A friend of mine named Gene who happens to be a published writer and a playwright with an extensive degree in our English language asked me a question. I know for a fact that I infuriate him with all my grammatical errors. My sentence structure is atrocious and my rambling thoughts can take me to places I shouldn’t go. Gene asked me “why do you write?”
I find that in life, I do not get a lot of opportunities to express what I really think. In many cases it would probably get me in trouble as I can tend to spout off to much without giving it enough thought and then expressing myself thoughtfully and constructively. Often I just keep my thoughts to myself and let them percolate deep inside until I just let them go.
I think my blog here has been my attempt teach myself how to express myself better. I’ve never expected anything to come from it. Nor have I ever expected to have thousands of readers, (of which I don’t). What it has done is make me feel better about myself. If I wanted to draw more attention to myself I’d write more often about current events so my key words might get picked up and I’d go viral. I think I write more about things the “common man” or women might think about and I hope what few people do read it, agree with me. It’s also my attempt to let my family and friends know whats going on in my life as I said, I don;t always express myself. I also do not get opportunities to see my family and friends that often so hence the blog and my thoughtless abandonment of sentence structure and proper grammar and spelling probably.
I do enjoy the process overall and I think its somewhat a form of therapy for me as I can’t afford a therapist. More often, it’s usually the posts I do that I get very emotional about that I get the most responses about. For some reason I grew up thinking that I should hide my feelings, and my thoughts. That I shouldn’t let people know when I was hurting that I had to be strong for my family.
So for those of you that continue to read my posts here, which there are hundreds of you I appreciate your kind words and thoughts about my rambling on’s.
So Gene, where you do it for a living I do it to get it out of my head and share the rawness of my thoughts and feelings otherwise, I’d probably self implode.
Right on, putting our thoughts out helps us to move on to the next thing. Otherwise, I think we would all explode. Gene is lucky enough to get paid for writing his thoughts. Thanks for sharing. With all that is on your plate I am surprised there is not more blogs.