Here’s a scary thought for you. Leave home without your cell phone! I bet that made you shiver. I had gotten three-quarters of the way into my morning commute when I asked myself why it was so quiet in the car. You see by then I would have made 3-4 calls (using Bluetooth) and I would have received at least three more calls too. My commute is about an hour and ten minutes one way. I had gone too far to turn around. I had passed the point of no return. I was committed to a full day without my cell. I know you know the horror that overcame me. But… hell its only been a few years that I’ve actually had a cell phone. I lived without it for over 40 years I could handle this. Besides, it was only another 20 minutes and I’d be at work and my phone on my desk.
I got there knowing I’d be attacked. Where were you? How come you didn’t return my call? Are you dead, call us back? Those were just a few of the comments on my voice mail and from co-workers and the boss.
Then I got into my day and as long as I was near my desk my world was fine. Then came my time to leave. Unfortunately, on the way home, I had a couple of errands to run. I left about 5:30 pm. My commute didn’t end until 9:15 pm when I walked into the house. The family was there screaming at me saying they were about to call the police and fire department even the hospitals to find out where my body was, as that’s the only reason I hadn’t come home already. You see the first store I stopped at didn’t have what I needed. So I went to another of their stores, ten minutes away. Then that store didn’t have it and I didn’t have a phone to call around so I had to travel from store to store to accomplish my errand. Then my other errand I had to stand in line at a customer service desk with 8 people in front of me and only one clerk behind the counter and she was about 75 years old and typing with one finger. It was becoming an angry mob and my 45-minute wait was sure torture with the pressing of each of those keys by that arthritic finger of that poor woman. Since the store manager on duty couldn’t help us I told the crowd that we all needed to go on and complain about this store but that we were not to mention this poor woman as it wasn’t her fault that they didn’t schedule anyone else. They all agreed and actually were nice to her when each of them got to her which I was glad about.
The experience at that store reminds me why I hate to shop and why so many of us are buying online at or elsewhere instead of going to physical stores.
We as humans get into routines and my morning routine was changed which made me miss my cell phone, which then upset my whole world. It tells me that I shouldn’t have left home. I should stay in my own little world and do not interact with the rest of that messed up world, as you and I can never control it anyway. Can you imagine disconnecting from the grid? No phone, no tv, no commute, I wouldn’t have to shave, I could stay in my pajama’s all day. No facebook, no credit cards, live far away from everyone. The silence would be deafening I’d go crazy, I need people in my life, it’s what keeps me going. So what am I going to do? I’m going to hard wire to my brain an implantable phone that can be charged as I sleep at night and when I get up to leave it goes with me so I can’t forget it. There working on it already see it here. There you go, closer and closer to George Orwell’s 1984. He was a few years too early!