Oh the feeling I get when these warm days return! We are having a heat wave finally here in Chicago. For us here in Chicago, temperatures here in the 40’s definitely designates a heat wave. We are just about to go out in our “T” shirts and shorts.
My friend Gene lives further south in Illinois just north of St Louis. He’s been very lucky to get 60 degree weather already the lucky bastard. He also keeps talking about the wild life that surrounds him that he runs into on his daily hikes. What he may not realize is how envious many of us might be of him to be able enjoy his activities here in Chicago on a daily basis so early in the year.
I know I’m repeating what a lot of people are saying, but I am so tired of our winter. Maybe I should get one of those lights that is suppose to help you get over the darkness of the winter. Our poor dogs are suffering too, imagine trying to pee and your “dig a ling” is just buried in the snow below you.
Let’s hope the warm breezes will stay a while despite what the ground hog has predicted. I may just have to help Gene move up here as that way I won’t have to listen to him talk about all these things we can’t enjoy yet, maybe then he can suffer!