My Life My Opinion on Holidays

I do business with a company in Canada and it gets frustrating. They seem to have more holidays then we do here in the states. We have a good number of holidays here in the states but many employers do not recognize them or they are not recognized nationally. I’ve also heard that in Europe it’s the same as in Canada. In fact, employees supposedly get  a month off during the summer and even more vacation days throughout the year.

I’ve grown up here in the Midwest where we have a strong “work ethic”. I’m catholic and you throw in the “guilt thing” and our employers really make out here in the states compared to other countries. The internet has made our world quite a bit smaller. I correspond daily with people in Asia, Europe, South America etc. I think we need to standardize holidays worldwide. Why should Canadians get “Boxing Day” off when we still have to work! I’d like a good “Boxing Day” off. Don’t I deserve it? Hey, I’d gladly celebrate “Victoria Day” too.

Oh yeah there’s something else…. President Obama’s trying to get student loans either written off or discounted severely now.  Back to Europe and Canada again… If you live there besides all the great holidays you also get pretty much a free education! We’ve got alot of catching up to do here in the states.

My Life

I decided to review all the jobs that I have had in my life. So far, in my life I have been the following…
Retail hardware clerk
Short Order Cook
Driveway Sealer
Retail Department Manager
Bus Boy


Hotel Driver
Banquet Manager
Car Salesman

Asbestos Removal
Insurance Salesman
Plumber                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mortgage Salesman
College Professor

Ad Salesman

Business Journal Publisher
Director of Sales
Sales Manager
General Manager
Director of Marketing

That’s a lot of jobs in one mans life, even for my life.  As they say, I have just enough knowledge to make me dangerous in any of these positions.  I’ve developed many skills in my life because of these jobs.  In growing up I never expected this in my life.  When I was a senior in high school I went down to the Armed Forces Recruiting Center for a “Seniors Day” I took all their tests and I was hoping that they would tell me what I would be good at then I would go into that field!  They called me up and said out of 200 guys that were there, I was in the top ten and I could do what ever I wanted in the Army!  Not the answer I wanted for my life.  I did not enlist. Maybe I should have, it probably would have given me more discipline.  Some of us kidd around and say were still trying to figure what we want to do with our life! “Life is what happens when your busy making other plans”  My life has lead me down this path and as I wonder what my purpose in life is, it really gets down to be pretty simple.  I won’t be remembered for all those jobs.  I may only be remembered for carrying on our family name.  For alot of us that’s all we will be. I’m ok with just that, so I’m pretty much done with my main responsibilities.  Time for “Earl time,” yeah right that’s going to happen, I heard the wife calling again!

I Have A Solution

A while back I remember seeing on ABC’s 20/20 or CBS’s 60 minutes a new weapon that the military has developed. It was a truck with a large board, like a 4x 8 on top of it. Of course, it was painted Army Green. This weapon was basically as I understand it, a giant microwave. They aim it at people, let’s say a couple of hundred yards away, and when they push the start button, just like your home microwave it cooks the water molecules within your body. Now on this demonstration, they had to align the truck facing the “volunteers” to heat them up. After a few seconds, the “volunteers would turn and run away to get out of the sightline of the microwave. Their bodies would heat up and they couldn’t stand it any longer. This isn’t a killing machine, its just be a way to disperse people.

The problem with this is to try and get our enemies to stand still long enough to be zapped! I think there’s some flawed thinking here on the use of this equipment? Since when do our enemies standstill? In Afganistan there hiding behind rocks and in caves etc.

I’m a marketing guy and I don’t think they had a good focus group for the planning of this product! They obviously missed the boat. To me its pretty obvious what they should do to make this a more effective product. In fact, I can guarantee a return on their initial investment pretty quickly.

They need to make it smaller. A handheld device would be great but even two feet by eighteen inches high would be just about right. You see I want to mount it on my car. I’m tired of the bastard tailgaters on the highway. I’m already going 65 miles an hour and I’m in the left lane I have nowhere to go as I’m blocked on the right lane and there’s a guy in front of me but this guy behind me thinks I can get out of his way! I just want to zap him to tell him to back off. I don’t want to kill him ( well maybe?) I just want a cop to see him, I just want to prevent an accident! Just one little zap, instead of a little warning he gets a little “WARMING.” I can see the commercial now with Billy Mays the commercial pitchman showing how it works! We will sell millions of them. “Hi, Billy Mays Here… Tired of People on your Ass? Well, have we got the product for you.” I’m hung up on one part though when he says “But wait there’s more…” What could we add? If you think of it let me know. We could even get them installed at the factory of the “Big 3.” (If they are the Big 3 anymore?) You know this could be useful in many situations just think about it. I think I’m going to give Obama a call I think I have a solution to some of his budget concerns. I wonder what other products they came up with that with a little twist would be perfect for mass production.

My Life My Opinion!

As I get older, it seems I have become less tolerant of many things.  It’s as if a switch was turned on when you hit 50 years of age that you have no control over.  As an example, how in the hell did it suddenly become OK for me to listen to elevator music in my car?  I just recently found this local station that plays old music like from the 40’s and also newer stuff that we would call “Muzak.”  I guess my days have become more and more hetic…phones ringing, constant flow of people, traffic, the thump thump thump from the car next to me.  Thumping the living daylights out of anyone that gets within 100 feet of it with its blaring thumping base speakers.  Hell, I didn’t even put the quarters in the machine and I got a free massage!

I guess “quiet / peaceful” is hard to come by these days if you live anywhere near a big city.  My generation of “Baby Boomers” kept asking for more more more, faster and faster and we got it.  Now that we got it, I want to get rid of it! How many of you feel the same way?  Maybe that’1s why some people get summer cabins/cottages to get away to.  I’ve been to a few of these “Summer Cabins,” they have their Direct TV, they have their internet, they have all the appliances.  All they are escaping to, is a view with all the noise!

I think I’m going to start a company to teach people how to disconnect.  I think it will be a booming business for all the “Baby Boomers.”